Sunday, December 14, 2014

Annotated Bibliography

Gordon Miller
Dr. Wielgos
College Writing 2
                                                          Annotated Bibliography

Harris, Eric G., and Barry J. Babin. Consumer Behavior. 6th ed. Stamford: Cengage Learning, 2014. Print.
Authors Barry J. Babin and Eric G. Harris, wrote the academic book, Consumer Behavior- 6th Edition. Babin graduated Louisiana Tech University and Harris graduated from Pittsburg State University. College students use these academic books nationally.  Business and Marketing majors primarily use the academic book, Consumer Behavior. It enlightens them about consumer behavior by informing with facts, examples and scenarios.  Compared to the scholar article, Implicit social cognition,  this article mentions social identity and the social stereotype. In contrast, the citation below talks about social schema, self- esteem and attitudes on how people stereotype others.  This source advocated me by explaining social identity and the advantages of it, along with explaining social stereotypes.

Implicit social cognition: Attitudes, self-esteem, and stereotypes.
Greenwald, Anthony G.; Banaji, Mahzarin R.
Psychological Review, Vol 102(1), Jan 1995, 4-27.
            Greenwald and Banaji are two researchers that study Psychology and social behavior. They created this article to reach out to other researchers and explain social cognition with stereotypes. In comparison to the academic book, Consumer Behavior, this article discusses social cognition and social behavior with stereotypes. On the other hand, Consumer Behavior discusses what a social stereotype is, does, and gives examples of a social stereotype. In contrast, they both helped me with my research and helped me understand social behavior more.

Lafontaine, Daniel. "Knowing How to Talk: Generalizations, Stereotypes and How They Differ: Authentic Journeys." Knowing How to Talk: Generalizations, Stereotypes and How They Differ: Authentic Journeys. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2014. < >.
            Daniel Lafontaine is a Korean researcher that delivers an article, Knowing How to Talk, and uses primary data that is based on background information, experiments, and personal experience. This study is targeted to people that do not necessarily know the difference between generalizations and stereotypes.  In comparison, the cite Simply Psychology, differs because of the different information it gives.  Simply Psychology explains the pros and cons of stereotypes while Lafontaine explains the harm stereotyping does to people and what the differences are between generalizing and stereotyping.  They are similar because both articles give scenarios about a stereotypical situation. This article really helped support my research by giving me depth of the differences between generalizing and stereotyping.
Mcleod, Saul. "Simply Psychology." Stereotypes. Simply Psychology, 2008. Web. 12 Dec. 2014. <>.
Researcher, Saul Mcleod, has a degree in Psychology and a masters in Research and is currently going for a PhD. This scholarly journal article is targeted towards Psychology students of all levels in the UK and the US. In comparison to the cite below, they don’t explain the pros and cons of stereotyping, as well as, what racial stereotypes are. In contrast, they both use experiments as support to explain the use of stereotypes. This article helped me the most because the information given was very informative and I felt it was appropriate to use his information.

Reuters, Thompson. "You Are What You Listen To: Young People's Stereotypes about Music Fans." You Are What You Listen To: Young People's Stereotypes about Music Fans. Sage Publications, 2014. Web. 14 Dec. 2014. <>.
Scholarly journalist, Thompson Reuters, explains the stereotypes developed by music in this scholarly journal article. He has a robust musical background with over 20 years of experience. Reuters, along with three other researchers, conducted an experiment using 80 young British men at a concert. The primary data concluded that music stereotypes are stronger geographically then anything elseIn comparison to the other scholarly journal article, Thought Economics, this one talks about an expirement they conducted and the results. Unlike Thought Economics, where they talk more on the reasoning of music via secondary data. In contrast, they both support my research by using both primary and secondary data.

Shah, Vikas. "Thought Economics." Web. Thoughts Economics. Blogspot, 8 Mar. 2013. Web. 14 Dec. 2014. < >.
Vikas Shah is a well known E- Journal journalist globally. Shah answers questions that are asked by many curious researchers or music lovers.  The discussion that comes across is music and how it plays a role in human culture and the economy. In comparison to the article, You are What you listen to, this article gets more on the economic side of music and the way it impacts human culture and stereotypes. In contrast, they both mention music and the stereotypes with music. It helped with my research to get my audience to understand why I mention music and how music pertains to stereotypes.

University of Texas. "Model Minority Stereotype for Asian Americans." Model Minority Stereotype. N.p., 2013. Web. 13 Dec. 2014. <>.
The division of Student Affairs of University of Texas wrote this popular journal to explain cultural stereotypes and the damage it does on Asian Americans.  Secondary data informed me of facts about Asian Americans in today’s society. This journal was targeted toward any Asian American that feels like they are being stereotyped and are becoming stressed because of cultural expectations. Compared to the article, cultural stereotypes, this journal gave me knowledge on Asian Americans and informed me of the stereotype, model minority stereotype. However, the citation above gave me insight on Asian stereotypes, which supported this journal entry and my research. This journal supported my research by informing me of facts and data on Asian Americans in today’s society.

Weebly. "Cultural Stereotypes." Cultural Stereotypes. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2014. <>.

Weebly is a well-known article that is informative and trustworthy. The target audience is toward anyone curious to know what types of stereotypes there are, as well as, preventing stereotyping. In comparison to the article Model Minority Stereotypes for Asian Americans, this explains more than just one kind of cultural and racial stereotype. This gives me information on multiple stereotypes, informs me the disadvantages, and explains how to prevent it. However, they both talk about Asian American stereotypes and how it can harm them emotionally as well as causing stress.

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